Code a simple tcp socket server in winsock. Communication over sockets involves 2 programs running on the same machine or on separate machines across a network. First is a socket server and the other is a socket client. Tcp stands for Transmission control protocol and it is the most common protocol being used for most of the network communication that takes place over internet or a lan. There are other important protocols like udp, arp, icmp and they are used mandatorily but in small quantities. These protocols are technically speaking, define the format how data should be structured into packets when sending them across a network. So every protocol has a different format and most importantly has a different purpose. For example for all kinds of content download and upload, tcp is used. For network analysis the icmp and arp protocols are used and so on. Every protocol has been designed to serve a different purpose. 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Spybot Search Destroy 2. Beta 6 is an application designed for the removal of spyware, malware and other intrusive software. Hi Everyone Before finally getting all of my DSL problems resolved, a technician from Microsoft requested a run the following command after going to Start. Bind it to an ip and port. Start listening on it. Accept incoming connections and process them. Each of the above steps has an associated function as we shall soon see in the code. Bind socket to port 8. Winsock Library. int mainint argc, char rgv. Communication over sockets involves 2 programs running on the same machine or on separate machines across a network. First is a socket server and the other is a. Tucows Inc. is a publicly traded Internet services and telecommunications company, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the secondlargest domain. WSADATA wsa. SOCKET s, newsocket. Initialising Winsock. WSAStartupMAKEWORD2,2, wsa 0. Failed. Error Code d,WSAGet. Last. Error. return 1. Initialised. n. Create a socket. AFINET, SOCKSTREAM, 0 INVALIDSOCKET. Socket programming with winsock This is a quick guidetutorial to learning socket programming in C language on Windows. Windows because the code snippets. Could not create socket d, WSAGet. Last. Error. printfSocket created. Prepare the sockaddrin structure. AFINET. server. sinaddr. INADDRANY. server. SOCKETERROR. printfBind failed with error code d, WSAGet. Last. Error. putsBind done. UkO9i03Bt8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Winsock 2.2 Download' title='Winsock 2.2 Download' />Listen to incoming connections. Accept and incoming connection. Waiting for incoming connections. INVALIDSOCKET. printfaccept failed with error code d, WSAGet. Last. Error. putsConnection accepted. Reply to client. message Hello Client, I have received your connection. But I have to go now, byen. WSACleanup. The above code will start a socket server on port 8. Run it from one console and then in another console connect to it using the telnet command. The output of the telnet should look like this. Hello Client, I have received your connection. But I have to go now, bye. The server sends this message to the connected client. The server is built using the following important functions. The accept function returns a new socket which indicates the connection between this program and the remote client program. The master socket can continue to receive the next connections. The above program demonstrates how a socket program can work, but it is very limited in its functionality. It can just accept 1 incoming connection and after that it is dead. Handle multiple connections Asynchronous socket programming. For this server to be any useful, it must be able to accept multiple incoming connections and keep processing them till the clients want. So the next attempt shall be to write a server that can handle multiple connections and tackle all of them simultaneously. There are many ways to handle multiple client connections. The first and most intuitive one is using threads. As soon as a client connects, assign a separate thread to process each client. However threads are too much work and difficult to code properly. There are other techniques like polling. Polling involves monitoring multiple sockets to see if something happened on any of them. For example, the server could be monitoring the sockets of 5 connected clients, and as soon as any of them send a message, the server gets notified of the event and then processes it. In this way it can handle multiple sockets. The winsock api provides a function called select which can monitor multiple sockets for some activity. Since we are able to handle all sockets together at once it is called asynchronous socket programming. It is also called event driven socket programming or select based multiplexing. The select function prototype is like thisint selectint nfds, fdset eadfds, fdset ritefds, fdset xceptfds, const struct timeval imeout The first parameter is a dummy one. The readfds parameter is a pointer to an array of sockets which should be monitored to be readable. This means that if any socket in the readfds set receives some data, it becomes readable. Similarly the writefds sockets would be monitored to be writable and the exceptfds sockets shall be monitored for any error. The last parameter is the timeout parameter, which indicates the length of time which the select function shall wait for before returning. Now after a select function returns, it re fills the same readfds array with the readable sockets. Same with writefds and exceptfds. This means that we have to keep calling select function in a loop, and everytime have to prepare our list of readfds, writefds and exceptfds array of sockets to pass. The socket arrays are variables of type fdset. SOCKET fdarrayFDSETSIZE. To work with fdset array the following macros have to be used. FDCLRs, et Removes a socket from an fdset structure. FDISSETs, et Checks if a socket is present in an fdset structure. FDSETs, et Adds a socket to an fdset structure. FDZEROet Initializes the set to the null set. This will empty an fdset structure. Now that is a lot of theory. Of Shanghai Mahjong Game. Lets get to the final code that uses all that theory to get something working. TCP Echo server example in winsock. Live Server on port 8. Winsock Library. int mainint argc, char rgv. SOCKET master, newsocket, clientsocket3. ECHO Daemon v. 1. MAXRECV 1. 02. 4. MAXRECV 1 sizeofchar. Initialising Winsock. WSAStartupMAKEWORD2,2, wsa 0. Failed. Error Code d,WSAGet. Last. Error. exitEXITFAILURE. Initialised. n. Create a socket. AFINET, SOCKSTREAM, 0 INVALIDSOCKET. Could not create socket d, WSAGet. Last. Error. exitEXITFAILURE. Socket created. n. Prepare the sockaddrin structure. AFINET. server. sinaddr. INADDRANY. server. SOCKETERROR. printfBind failed with error code d, WSAGet. Last. Error. exitEXITFAILURE. Bind done. Listen to incoming connections. Accept and incoming connection. Waiting for incoming connections. FDZERO readfds. FDSETmaster, readfds. FDSET s, readfds. NULL, so wait indefinitely. NULL, NULL, NULL. SOCKETERROR. printfselect call failed with error code d, WSAGet. Last. Error. exitEXITFAILURE. Sce Smart Meter Program on this page. If something happened on the master socket, then its an incoming connection. FDISSETmaster, readfds. EXITFAILURE. inform user of socket number used in send and receive commands. New connection, socket fd is d, ip is s, port d n, newsocket, inetntoaaddress. Welcome message sent successfully. Adding to list of sockets at index d n, i. IO operation on some other socket. FDISSET s, readfds. Check if it was for closing, and also read the incoming message. MAXRECV, 0. if valread SOCKETERROR. WSAGet. Last. Error.