High School Equivalency HSE Testing Program. HSE NEWS 0. 10. All Local Ged ProgramsAll Local Ged ProgramsThere must be a clear separation between GED instruction and GED testing to protect the integrity of the GED test. This page contains information about the. How Much Do Pizza Delivery Drivers Make 2013. All programs at Barren County Correction Center are structured to create an environment for positive change in the offenders life, so they can better serve the. General Educational Development GED 0800098MDCDAdEd The Michigan Department of Career Development is an equal opportunity employerprogram. The School of Lifelong Learning SLL meets the needs of present day workers and adult learners, 25 years of age and older, across the state, region, and nation. High School Equivalency HSE Testing All reference to GED in the Code of Virginia has been changed to a high school equivalency examination approved by the. The GED Test or the Hi. SET Now You Can Choose As of January 1, 2. Massachusetts High School Equivalency Credential may choose as a pathway to the Credential one of two assessments, the GED test or the Hi. SET. The Massachusetts High School Equivalency Office, a Unit within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, oversees The issuing of the Massachusetts High School Equivalency Credential, a nationally recognized document that is accepted by virtually all colleges, universities, and employers in the country as exactly equivalent to a high school diploma and. The administration of the tests required to earn the Credential. General Information. If you do not have a high school diploma but need one for school or work. If you are looking for general information about the credential, the testing process, or the GED andor Hi. Guard Patch Security there. SET tests specifically. Test Centers Lists. Lists of official high school equivalency test centers in Massachusetts. Accommodations for Disabilities. Apply for accommodations on the test because of a diagnosed disability. As well as nformation on the accommodations process in general. Diploma Sender. If you have previously received a GED or Hi. SET diploma from Massachusetts but need official verification of that or a transcript of your scores. Swiss Ball Exercise Pdf here. If you have recently passed the GED test or the Hi. SET and are wondering where your diploma and transcripts are. If you are a school, college, employer, or other third party entity seeking to verify that an individual previously received a GED or Hi. SET diploma from Massachusetts. HSE Staff. Contact a High School Equivalency Office staff member personally. Last Updated January 2. All Programs Savannah Technical College.