Alinco 235 Software
Around the clock, around the town, around the world. General. Q My amateur radio transceiver does not seem to receive out of the ham band frequencies as well as it does in the ham bands. Is mine defective A Alinco guarantee specifications only within the ham bands on our products. Characteristics of reception, as well as transmission, outside of the ham bands authorized use only is not specified. In some cases, such as the wide band receiver, we declare the typical sensitivity values on different frequencies, but can not guarantee the value for the entire range. For example, the DJ V5. ACOM 1000. User Manual. PDF, rus 457kb ACOM 2000A. User Manual. PDF, rus 926kb AE100T. User Manual. PDF, eng 117kb AE105U. User Manual. Power Supply Authorized Dealer FNFNEHNISP Printed in Japan ALINCO, INC. Electronics Division Yodoyabashi DaiBldg 13F, 449 Koraibashi, Chuoku, Osaka 5410043 Japan. Yaesu Pix Model Type Quicknote AD3 VHFUHF duplexer ADMSVX3Windows programming software For VX3 ADMSVX6Windows programming software For VX6 ADMSVX8. T transceiver receives a wide range of frequencies. We specify the sensitivity on FM broadcast, 1. MHz and 4. 40 MHz bands only. Other than these frequencies, reception is considered an accessory feature. Внимание Все материалы файлы в данном разделе размещается посетителями сайта. Alinco DR135T, DR135TG Amateur Mobile Transceivers. CB Radios FAQ Q A Page Advanced Specialties Inc. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ ABOUT CB SCROLL BELOW FOR CB Radio QA FAQ OR. Go To Our Online Catalog. EHam. net Classifieds Search Results 2601 records found. Display All ads. If you are interested in a particular frequency for operation, not only for Alinco products, but other brands as well it is recommended that you contact your dealer or the manufacturer first to make sure the product performs well at that frequency. Q Do I have to return the warranty card to you A We ask that you follow the instruction specified on it. Warranty policies may vary depending on the country where you have purchased the product. Please contact the authorized importer of your area for details. Q What is your policy regarding repair and replacement of a radio A Our policy is stated on the warranty card, please read it carefully We reserve the right to make all final decisions regarding repair and replacement at any time. Q My radio has a problem. What should I do for the service A If you live in the US or Canada, visit PARTS SERVICE menu on this web site, It explains in detail how to return the radio for repair. For other countries, please contact an authorized dealer of your area. Q How can I order spare parts not listed on this web site A If you live in the US or Canada, visit PARTS SERVICE menu on this web site. For other countries, please contact an authorized dealer of your area. Q How can I make a request for the catalog A Just contact the authorized distributor of your area for the request anybody at Alinco and its distributors will be happy to help you. This service is free of charge. Q I tried to put the offset and PL tone into memory but it wont stay. Why A You must enter all information such as frequency, offset and PL tone while in VFO mode and then commit the information to a memory channel all at once. You cannot add to a memory channel once it has been used. This is common to all Alinco models. Q Which microphone should I use for my mobile radio A Basically we have 5 different types of microphones available Multi function microphone with 8pin connector, DTMF keypad microphone with. However, please choose the right model. DDR5. 70DR1. 10 and older radios metal 8 pin connector with key pad on the. The original DTMF microphone is no longer available. We recommend EMS 5 or. EMS 5. 3 plain microphones without keypad, or the repair of the original. We still have limited quantities of repair parts for it. DR6. 00DR1. 30 and older mobile radios metal 8 pin connector Use EMS 1. A multi function microphone as a replacement to EMS 3 or EMS 1. EMS 5 or 5. 3 plain microphone can be used also. DR6. 10DR1. 50 metal 8 pin EMS 1. A is the original microphone for the multi functional operation. EMS 5. plain microphone is available,too. DR6. 051. 40 modular plug EMS 4. EMS 5. 4 DTMF. microphone. EMS 5. 2 plain microphone is also available. Note that EMS 5. DR1. Earlier models serial number TM 0. EMS 5. 6 is the original backlit DTMF microphone. EMS 5. 3 plain microphone can. EMS 5. 7 multi functional microphone can be used but. CPU. dependent. All DR2. DR1. 35 metal 8 pin Later models serial number TM 1. DR1. 35, all versions of. DR4. 35 and 2. 35, the EMS 5. EMS 5. 3 plain microphone can be used also. Note that EMS 5. A is. EMS 5. 7without A identifier by an ID. They are compatible, but might sound. HF radios. EMS 4. EMS 1. 4 desktop microphones are available for all. Alinco HF products. An optional EMS 1. Alinco 8pin. plug mobile radios but remoteDTMF features are not available on EMS 1. The. audio input level should be adjusted with mic level control on the. EDS 8 conversion connector is required for. Charting Software For Knitting. DR1. 406. 05 modular plug. HF Ham and Amateur Radio Transceivers. Ham Radio Transceivers Ham, Amateur Radio Radio Communication Consumer Electronics. All Categories. Antiques. Art. Baby. Books. Business Industrial. Cameras Photo. Cell Phones Accessories. Clothing, Shoes Accessories. Coins Paper Money. Collectibles. ComputersTablets Networking. Bot Game Perfect World Indonesia Server Samp. Consumer Electronics. Crafts. Dolls Bears. DVDs Movies. Entertainment Memorabilia. Gift Cards Coupons. Health Beauty. Home Garden. Jewelry Watches. Music. Musical Instruments Gear. Pet Supplies. Pottery Glass. Real Estate. Specialty Services. Sporting Goods. 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