MMO Glossary. Com MMORPG dictionary MMORPG. Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. AO. Anarchy Online AC. Asherons Call. Armour Class. This is how much armour a character has. Armour helps to reduce the amount of damage taken. GG GF GJ. Good Game, Good Fight, Good Job. Facebook Profile Hacker V2 55 New. AFK. AFK Away from keyboard. ABLVss.png' alt='Afk Crafting Program' title='Afk Crafting Program' />Usually followed by a reson drink, food, bio break bathroom, phone. AI. Artificial Intelligence. Refers to the intelligence programmed into a game that controls the actions and reactions of NPCs, simulating independent intelligence. Alien Invasion Anarchy Online game expansion. Avatar. The graphical representation of a player in a game. BF. Boyfriend. BBIAB. Be Back in a Bit. BH. Bounty Hunter. BRB. Be right Back. BRT. BRT. Be Right There. BTW. By the Way. Buffing Buff. Refer to preparatory actions taken prior to combat, usually involving the casting of spells. Camping Camp. Lying in wait in order to ambush a player or group. Can also mean to hunt in a location awaiting a rare spawn or rare drop. A stationary location where a player or group continuously fight respawning mobs. Also a term used for logging off. Con. Consider. Command used to assess the strength of an opponent. CYA CU. CUSee you later. Do. T. Damage Over Time. Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. They are in. This guide is for paytoplay Magic training and aims to help players find the most effective. Virtual Family Kingdom is a safe and fun virtual world for the entire family. Go on quests and scavenger hunts, play unique fun games, and trade with friends. Virtual. Epheria Sailboat is a personal sailboat that is faster than the current fishing boat, equipped with cannons, and repairable. This new sailboat is introduced with the. Refers to effects that, when placed on a target, cause continuous damage over a limited period of time. MUD. Multi User Domains Dungeons. A Digital Realm where contains multiple players people. Alts Alters. Characters controlled by a player, but are not the players main character. Only possible in Multi Character Servers. Add. 1337 Leet Elite El33t Often used by younger people to refer to someone with above average or elite skills. Often used by older people to describe. The Martian Madness event is an event that occurs when the player encounters and does not. MMO Glossary. Com MMORPG dictionary. Term to describe additional monsters that attack you while you are already engaged in battle. AOE AE. Area of Effect Area effect. This term is used for spellsabilities that work in a certain range, rather then on a single mobplayer. AE. Area effect damage. DD. Direct Damage. MEZ. Area effect mesmerize. Any mob in the area of effect can be mesmerized. Aggro. General term used for the way mobs react to players, i. PLayers getting aggro did something to anger the mob that will start attacking them. There are several ways to draw aggro coming into a certain radius of the mob, or initiating combat with them yourself. Aggro Radius. The radius around the monsters where they will wake up and attack you. AGI. Agility Carebear. Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. Caster. A character that stays on the back row to heal or cast spells on the enemy, such as a Mage. Cheese. To exploit an imbalance in the game. Pets Pet. A NPC controlled by a player, aiding that player and his teammates in fights. CR. Corpse Retrevial Creep. Monster Critters. Monsters that dont attack back, like a bunny or deer. DMG. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. A dart trap shark farm with 1second timers. An effective and AFKable method of farming Diving Helmets would be to use Dart Traps and set them up with timers. A player written guide on getting started on UO Second Age as a new player, and some history of the shard from a players perspective.